Discover the awarded solutions of the DLT4EU Accelerator!

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After months of work and deliberation by a Jury of experts, today we’ve unveiled the three Venture Teams that are going to receive follow-on funding at the DLT4EU Final online Event., Alice and eReuse developed the awarded solutions for their contribution to the common good. Get to know how!

Putting in value women’s cooperative through a digital passport

How DLTs can help improve a better market and shorten supply chains? The international company addressed this challenge raised by the UNDP Alternative Finance Lab and UNDP Morocco. The developing team designed a digital passport that facilitates the direct trade of argan oil from women’s cooperatives in South West Morocco with exporters and buyers. This solution stimulates e-commerce sales, while building resilient businesses.

A Machine-Learning tool to improve NGOs impact reporting

Humanitarian agencies face barriers with their reporting and verification processes. To solve that, the UK-based company Alice developed a Machine-Learning system that automates the data ecosystem to help the impact reporting of the Instant Network Schools programme, led by the Vodafone Foundation, UNHCR, and the UN Refugee Agency, that offers digital learning to young refugees in Africa. The Digital Future Society also collaborated in the solution. 

The refurbishment DLT protocol to reuse and recycle electronic devices

Finally, the Spanish community eReuse empowered citizens to reuse and recycle electronic devices by promoting a circular consumption model of electronics in the Municipality of Sant Boi de Llobregat (Barcelona). The Venture Team designed a platform that distributes computers to schools and families, by providing a peer-to-peer marketplace that reduces environmental impact and digital divide. The protocol coordinates electronic device refurbishers and measures circularity through a DLT-based system. 

What’s next?

The Final Event was an amazing experience to bring together the DLT4EU community and leading voices of the use of technology for the common good. Francesca Bria, President of the Italian Innovation Fund, Giulio Quaggiotto, Head of Strategic Innovation at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Frabrizio Sestini, Senior Digital Social Innovation at DG CONNECT, João Farinha, Advisor for the Portuguese Secretary of State for Digital Transition, Chris Speed, Chair of Design Informatics at the Edinburgh College of Art and Alexandre Pólvora, Policy Analyst at the JRC European Commission Science Hub have been some of the experts who participated in the event. All of them share the need to stimulate the role of Blockchain and other early-stage innovations to address social and public challenges. 

We’re beyond grateful to all the Venture Teams and their outstanding contributions in the fields of Circular Economy and Digital Citizenship. DLT4EU family, stay tuned and check our channels to keep this fantastic ecosystem up!


Digital Impact Investment – an interview with Marina Petrović, Robert Pašičko, Rawad Rizk & Dr. Nikola Markovic