DLT4EU Final Event:
How to use blockchain for the public and social sectors
8 Venture Teams developed spearheading solutions for our Accelerator programme. But, only three of them were awarded with follow-on funding to keep working on their initiatives. Leading-voices of the sector joined a live Round Table to discuss how emerging technologies can help tackle social and environmental challenges.
Check out the video of the event:
These are the voices that joined us:
Marieke Eyskoot
With almost twenty years of experience, Marieke is a sought-after speaker, presenter and consultant. She has an extensive global ethical network and has featured in several top-women lists.
As founder of the worldwide movement #SustainabilityAgainstShame, she was the right person to conduct our event.
Fabrizio Sestini
Senior Expert on Digital Social Innovation at the DG Connect, he’s pioneering areas of research on collective intelligence, data governance & blockchain/distributed ledger technologies.
He shared with us the current digital transition actions by the European Commission.
Liz Corbin
Project Coordinator of #DLT4EU & Director of Metabolic Institute and researcher on open design, systems thinking, redistributed manufacturing and digital technologies.
She introduced what we’ve achieved all together during this journey.
Panel discussion with experts on tech for common good & DLT solutions.
Francesca Bria
President of the Italian Innovation Fund & Senior Adviser to the United Nations on digital cities and rights, and an expert in leading digital social transformation projects on the public sector.
Francesca's work focuses on one of the key issues of our time: how can we give people the ownership of their data?
João Farinha
João is an Advisor for Digital Transition of the Portuguese government & an expert on developing innovative solutions to tackle social challenges.
Alice MacNeil
Alice is the DLT4EU Programme Manager from the Metabolic Institute and will explain our project experience.
She relied on the importance of disruptive programmes in advancing innovation for the social and public sectors.
Alexandre Pólvora
Alex orchestrated the discussion at the Round Table.
He’s a Policy Analyst at the JRC European Commission Science Hub and an expert on emerging tech for social and public good.
Giulio Quaggiotto
Giulio has advised many international development and public sector organisations on the implementation of their innovation strategies.
Now, he’s Head of Strategic Innovation at the United Nations Development Programme.
Chris Speed
Chair of Design Informatics at the Edinburgh College of Art, specialised on how tech can engage in the fields of art & social experience.
He’s an expert on tech for good solutions within the public sectors.
Marcella Atzori
Marcella, Blockchain Advisor at the European Commission, is the jury who announced publicly the final awarded solutions.
This recognition provided the opportunity to facilitate the real-world uptake of the applications and to increase the visibility of the projects.
The three winning solutions received a follow-on award funding of between €8,000-€14,000.
Anna Higueras
Content creator and project management specialist in the sectors of social innovation, digital culture, science, art and technology, Anna wraped up the event.
She is the #DLT4EU Communication responsible & Project Manager at Ideas for Change.
Who is who?
Get to know the 8 solutions of the DLT4EU Accelerator Programme and the teams behind them.