Accelerator Programme
What is the DLT4EU Accelerator programme?
The DLT4EU Accelerator is specifically designed to stimulate the development of cutting-edge DLT-based applications that address pressing social and environmental challenges.
The DLT4EU accelerator programme seeks to connect DLT companies to public sector organisations with relevant challenges to build real-word use cases.
The platform provides information, mentoring and strategies to understand the different applications that are relevant in the public and social good sector and to address sustainable business models.
Participating teams have the opportunity to work closely with world-leading experts in the fields of DLT, circular economy, digital citizenship, and public sector innovation.
How does the accelerator work?
The selected candidates developed their applications within a Virtual Field Lab (VFL), an innovative accelerator model that combines virtual mentoring with the opportunity to get inspired by other venture teams during the bootcamp sessions.
VLFs are designed to stimulate experimentation, innovation, and adoption of DLTs. They bring together DLT developers alongside challenge owners, for the practical exploration and development of distributed ledger technologies. The objective of each VFL is defined in collaboration with the users of the resulting solution: the Challenge Owners.
A curated list of mentors and experts is available for guidance through the 6 months acceleration journey.
What did teams have to do?
The participant venture teams had to submit a Proof of Concept (PoC), functional prototypes that help solve the chosen challenge at the end of the accelerator. The PoCs are used to validate the co-developed solution by the Challenge Owner in a real-world scenario.
All the PoCs delivered are then assessed by an Evaluation Jury. The winners are announced at a Final Online Event in May 2021 and awarded follow-on funding to develop the PoC further.
How were our bootcamps and joined up events?
Amsterdam virtual bootcamp
1 July to 7 July
Overall objectives / outputs
To equip Venture Teams and Challenge Owners with the necessary knowledge and tools to successfully work together
For Venture Teams and Challenge Owners to produce their sprint plan
To introduce all participants to the Accelerator Core Team and the mentors they can work with after the bootcamp (VFL ad hoc support)
Experts and mentors who took part in the programme
Javi Creus (Ideas for Change)
Martijn de Waal (HvA University)
London virtual bootcamp
28 September to 2 October
Overall objectives / outputs
For Venture Teams and Challenge Owners to present a Demo of their Proof-of-Concept (PoC) to date to a panel of experts.
To provide a Sprint Retrospective session to identify areas within which the teams had had issues.
To complete a Sprint Session in order to plan the next two months of development.
Experts and mentors who took part in the programme
Innovative Finance experts: Baptiste Cota, David Chreng-Messembourg, Iulia Tudor and Seadna Quigley
Technical Development experts: Martjin Boltt, Haischel Dabian, Sarah Meiklejohn and Rob Learney
Product Development expert: Claire Whittaker
Value Sensitive Design expert: Martjin de Waal
Business Models / Strategy experts: Theo Felgett and Jennifer Rosen
Public Sector Innovation experts: David Altabey and Benjamin Tincq
European Union experts: Anna Hakami and Alexandre Pólvora
Barcelona Bootcamp
Overall objectives / outputs
To help the Virtual Field Labs to develop and refine their pitch prior to the submission of the Proofs-of-Concepts.
To provide a series of Masterclasses and Mentoring Sessions on key topics such as storytelling, public funding, business models, technical refinement and product design.
To organise a Challenge Owners Demo Day, so that the Venture Teams could act on the feedback they received from mentors throughout the Bootcamp and incorporate it into the pitch.
Experts and mentors who took part in the programme
Investor Perspective: Baptiste Cota and David Chreng-Messembroug, founding partners of LeadBlock Partners.
Storytelling and Pitching: Hayley Bagnall, Marketing and Innovation Specialist at Altus Impact and Eva Pedrol, Director at LLYC Barcelona.
Business Models and Strategy: Theo Felgett, founder of Applied.
Product and Service Design: Luca Iadema, co-founder of Studio Up and Elmer Zinkhann, head of design at Digital Catapult.
Public Funding: Karel Vanderpoorten, policy officer Social Economy in DG GROW, João Machado, Social Innovation Fund Manager at Portugal Social Innovation and João Farinha, advisor for the Secretary of State for the Digital Transition of the Portuguese Government.
Final Online Event
May 2021
Overall objectives / outputs
To unveil the three accelerator initiatives that received follow-on funding.
To discuss the role of innovation incentives and programmes on tech for good in addressing urgent challenges of the public and social sector.
To feature a Round Table with some of the most relevant voices on the use of technology for the common good.
Experts and mentors who took part in the event
Francesca Bria, President of the Italian National Innovation Fund.
Giulio Quagiotto, Head of Strategic Innovation at UNDP.
Chris Speed, Chair in Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh.
João Farinha, Advisor for the Portuguese Secretary of State for Digital Transition.
Alice MacNeil, DLT4EU Programme Manager.
Alexandre Pólvora, Policy Analyst at the European Commission Joint Research Center.
Marcella Atzori, Blockchain Advisor to the European Commission.